Saturday, January 15, 2011

Fun Filled Days Ahead!!

I attended my second meeting with the Northwest Houston RWA this morning.  I swear, I've known these gals from a past life!  I've never felt so at ease with a group of people before.  Not a single person there will make you feel like at outsider.  Never.  You get to be part of the group from the very beginning.  I felt like a kid in class again sitting by Loretta.  I was sure I'd get in trouble for giggling! 

I'm looking forward to an amazing year with everything planned for us.  Next month, I'll make it out to the West Houston RWA.  I got to attend their Christmas party and have already been placed with a task for next year.  I get to be the Christmas Elf!!  And I haven't even officially joined yet!  What a blast!

Until next time, Friends!